This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Abate, GT, de Brauw, A, Gibson, J, Hirvonen, K and Wolle, A (2020). Telescoping causes overstatement in recalled food consumption: Evidence from a survey experiment in Ethiopia. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1976. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). DOI:10.2499/p15738coll2.134161. | ||||
Abdulazizov, H (2021). Real Unemployment Measurement in Azerbaijan. Baku Research Institute September 27. | ||||
Abrantes-Metz, RM and Bajari, P (2009). Screens for Conspiracies and Their Multiple Applications. Antitrust 24(1), pp. 66-71. ISSN/ISBN:2162-996X. | ||||
Abrantes-Metz, RM and Villas-Boas, SB (2010). Tracking the Libor Rate. Available at SSRN: DOI:10.2139/ssrn.1646600. | ||||
Agyemang, EF, Nortey, ENN, Minkah, R and Asah-Asante, K (2023). The unfolding mystery of the numbers: First and second digits based comparative tests and its application to ghana’s elections. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 18(2), pp. 183-192. DOI:10.3233/MAS-221418. | ||||
Akkaş, ME (2015). Altın Getirileri Dağılımının Newcomb-Benford Kanunu İle Testi [Testing Distribution of Gold Returns by Newcomb-Benford Law]. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8(40), pp. 577-584. DOI:10.17719/jisr.20154013940. TUR | ||||
Al-Bandawi, H and Deng, G (2018). Blind image quality assessment based on Benford's law. IET Image Processing 12(11), pp. 1983 – 1993. DOI:10.1049/iet-ipr.2018.5385 . | ||||
Al-Rawashdeh, F (2017). Applying Benford's law into Jordanian insurance companies to identify earning's manipulations. Business and Economic Horizons 13(2), pp. 210-223. DOI:10.15208/beh.2017.16. | ||||
Alali, FA and Romero, S (2013). Benford’s Law: Analyzing a decade of financial data. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-39. DOI:10.2308/jeta-50749. | ||||
Alipour, A and Alipour, S (2019). Application of Benford’s Law in Analyzing Geotechnical Data. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal 52(2), pp. 323 – 334. DOI:10.22059/ceij.2019.272005.1534. | ||||
Amiram, D, Bozanic, Z and Rouen, E (2015). Financial statement errors: evidence from the distributional properties of financial statement numbers. Review of Accounting Studies 20(4), pp. 1540–1593. DOI:10.1007/s11142-015-9333-z. | ||||
Aono, JY and Guan, L (2008). The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Cosmetic Earnings Management. Research in Accounting Regulation, Vol. 20, pp. 205–215. ISSN/ISBN:1052-0457. DOI:10.1016/S1052-0457(07)00212-3. | ||||
Arezzo, MF and Cerqueti, R (2023). A Benford’s Law view of inspections’ reasonability. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 632, Part 1, pp. 129294. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2023.129294. | ||||
Aris, NA, Othman, R, Bukhori, MAM, Arif, SMM and Malek, MAA (2017). Detecting Accounting Anomalies Using Benford’s Law: Evidence from the Malaysian Public Sector. Management & Accounting Review 16(2), pp. 73-100. | ||||
Arkan, MM (2010). Analisis Penggunaan Benford’s Law Dalam perencanaan Audit Pada Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai. [Analysis of the use of Benford's Law in planning an audit at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise]. Masters thesis, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, and presentation at Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XIII. Purwokerto, Indonesia. IND | ||||
Arshadi, L and Jahangir, AH (2014). Benford's law behavior of Internet traffic. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 40, April 2014, pp. 194–205. ISSN/ISBN:1084-8045. DOI:10.1016/j.jnca.2013.09.007. | ||||
Arslan, U, Calıyurt, KT and Kahyaoglu, SB (2024). Financial statement anomaly detection based on Benford law and Beneish model: Case of a public sector hospital. The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter 69, pp.69-87. DOI:10.1080/07366981.2024.2312018. | ||||
Ausloos, M, Castellano, R and Cerqueti, R (2016). Regularities and discrepancies of credit default swaps: a data science approach through Benford's law. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 90, pp. 8-17. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2016.03.002. | ||||
Ausloos, M, Cerqueti, R and Mir, TA (2017). Data science for assessing possible tax income manipulation: The case of Italy. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 104, pp. 238–256. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2017.08.012. | ||||
Ausloos, M, Ficcadenti, V, Dhesi, G and Shakeel, M (2021). Benford’s laws tests on S&P500 daily closing values and the corresponding daily log-returns both point to huge non-conformity. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 574, pp. 125969. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2021.125969. | ||||
Ausloos, M, Ficcadenti, V, Dhesi, G and Shakeel, M (2021). Benford's laws tests on S&P500 daily closing values and the corresponding daily log-returns both point to huge non-conformity. Preprint arXiv:2104.07962 [q-fin.ST]; last accessed April 30, 2021. To appear in: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 574. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2021.125969. | ||||
Ausloos, M, Herteliu, C and Ileanu, B-V (2015). Breakdown of Benford’s law for birth data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 419, pp. 736–745. ISSN/ISBN:0378-4371. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2014.10.041. | ||||
Ay, B and Efrem, N (2021). Benford’s law applied to sale prices on the Swedish housing market. Bachelor thesis, Department of Statistics Nr 2021:13, Stockholms Universitet. | ||||
Aybars, A and Ataunal, L (2016). An application of Benford’s law to fundamental accounting figures reported by Borsa Istanbul (BIST) companies. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting 3(3), pp. 234-243. DOI:10.17261/Pressacademia.2016321991. | ||||
Azevedo, CdS, Gonçalves, RF, Gava, VL and Spinola, MdM (2021). A Benford’s Law based methodology for fraud detection in social welfare programs: Bolsa Familia analysis. Physica A 567, p. 125626. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2020.125626. | ||||
Azevedo, CdS, Gonçalves, RF, Gava, VL and Spinola, MdM (2021). A Benford’s Law based method for fraud detection using R Library. MethodsX 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.mex.2021.101575. | ||||
Balashov, VS, Yan, Y and Zhu, X (2020). Who Manipulates Data During Pandemics? Evidence from Newcomb-Benford Law. Preprint arXiv:2007.14841 [econ.GN]; last accessed March 10, 2021. | ||||
Balashov, VS, Yan, Y and Zhu, X (2021). Using the Newcomb–Benford law to study the association between a country’s COVID-19 reporting accuracy and its development. Scientific Reports 11, pp. 22914. DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-02367-z. | ||||
Bannier, C, Ewelt-Knauer, C, Lips, J and Winker, P (2020). Benford’s Law and Its Application to Detecting Financial Fraud and Manipulation. Ch. 18 in: Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets: Malpractice, Misconduct and Manipulation, C. Alexander and D. Cumming (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, U.K., pp. 473-504. ISSN/ISBN:978-1-119-42177-1. | ||||
Bannier, C, Ewelt-Knauer, C, Winker, P and Lips, J (2019). Benford’s law and its application to detecting financial fraud and manipulation. Chapter 5 of Econometric Modelling of Energy & Financial Markets, Doctoral Thesis of Johannes Lips, Justus-Liebig University Gießen . | ||||
Bao, Y, Lee, C-H, Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2018). Empirical information on the small size effect bias relative to the false positive rejection error for Benford test-screening. International Journal of Economics and Finance 10(2), pp. 1-9. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v10n2p1. | ||||
Barjaktarović, L , Milojević, M and Terzić, I. (2014). Results of Applience of Benford’s Law on Serbian Companies. Proceedings of XIV International Symposium SymOrg, Zlatibor. | ||||
Bartulović, M and Mitrović, M (2020). Application of Benford's Law in Forensic Accounting. Conference Proceedings of Contemporary Issues in Economy & Technology CIET 2020, Split. | ||||
Bauer, J and Gross, J (2011). Difficulties Detecting Fraud? The Use of Benford’s Law on Regression Tables. Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik) 231(5-6), pp. 733-748. | ||||
Baumeister, J and Macedo, TG (2011). Von den Zufallszahlen und ihrem Gebrauch. Stand: 21, November 2011. GER | ||||
Beiglou, PHB, Gibbs, C, Rivers, L, Adhikari, U and Mitchell, J (2017). Applicability of Benford’s Law to Compliance Assessment of Self-Reported Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Data. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 19(04). DOI:10.1142/S146433321750017X. | ||||
Berger, A and Eshun, G (2014). Benford solutions of linear difference equations. Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 102, pp. 23-60. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-662-44139-8. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-44140-4_2. | ||||
Berger, A and Hill, TP (2015). An Introduction to Benford's Law. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. ISSN/ISBN:9780691163062. | ||||
Berger, A, Hill, TP and Morrison, KE (2008). Scale-Distortion Inequalities for Mantissas of Finite Data Sets. Journal of Theoretical Probability 21(1), pp. 97-117. ISSN/ISBN:0894-9840. | ||||
Bhattacharya, S, Xu, D and Kumar, K (2010). An ANN-based auditor decision support system using Benford's Law. Decision support systems, 50 (3), pp. 576-584. | ||||
Bhosale, S (2021). Identifying Bots on Twitter with Benford’s Law. Masters project, Dept. of Computer Science, San Jose State University. | ||||
Biau, D. (2015). The first-digit frequencies in data of turbulent flows. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 440, pp. 147-154. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2015.08.016. | ||||
Bohachevsky, IO, Johnson, ME and Stein, ML (2006). A derivation of Benford’s law. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 26(3–4), pp. 355–370. ISSN/ISBN:0196-6324. DOI:10.1080/01966324.2006.10737678. | ||||
Bonache, A, Moris, K and Maurice, J (2009). Risque associé à l'utilisation de la loi de Benford pour détecter les fraudes dans le secteur de la mode [Risk of Reviews based on Benford Law in the Fashion Sector]. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Paper No. 15352, posted 26 May 2009. FRE | ||||
Bradley, JR and Farnsworth, DL (2009). What is Benford's Law?. Teaching Statistics 31(1), pp. 2-6. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9639.2009.00347.x. | ||||
Bradley, JR and Farnsworth, DL (2009). Beispiele und Schüleraktivitäten zum BENFORD-Gesetz. Stochastik in der Schule (SiS) 29(3), pp. 28-32 . ISSN/ISBN:1614-0443. GER | ||||
Brähler, G, Bensmann, M and Emke, AL (2010). Der Einsatz mathematisch-statistischer Methoden in der digitalen Betriebsprüfung. Illmenauer Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre 4/2010. GER | ||||
Brähler, G, Bensmann, M and Jakobi, HR (2011). Das Benfordsche Gesetz und seine Anwendbarkeit bei der digitalen Prüfung von Fahrtenbüchern. Ilmenauer Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre 3/2011. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-940882-28-8. GER | ||||
Bredl, S, Storfinger, N and Menold, N (2011). A literature review of methods to detect fabricated survey data. Discussion Paper, No. 56, Justus-Liebig- Universität Gießen, Zentrum für Internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU), Giessen. Also appears in: Interviewers’ deviations in surveys. Ed. by N. Menold, P. Winker, and R. Porst. Schriften zur empir. | ||||
Bredl, S, Winker, P and Kötschau, K (2012). A statistical approach to detect interviewer falsification of survey data. Survey Methodology, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 1-10. | ||||
Burns, BD (2009). Sensitivity to statistical regularities: People (largely) follow Benford’s law. pp 2872-2877 in: Proceedings of CogSci 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. | ||||
Busta, B and Weinberg, R (1998). Using Benford’s law and neural networks as a review procedure. Managerial Auditing Journal 13(6), pp. 356-366. DOI:10.1108/02686909810222375. | ||||
Buyse, M, George, SL, Evans, S, Geller, NL, Edler, L and Hutton, J (1999). The Role of Biostatistics in the Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Fraud in Clinical Trials. Statistics in Medicine 18 (24), pp. 3435-3451. ISSN/ISBN:0277-6715. DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19991230)18:24<3435::AID-SIM365>3.0.CO;2-O. | ||||
Bwarleling, TH (2020). Aplikasi Hukum Benford Dalam Menganalisa Kasus Garuda Indonesia [Benford's Law Application in Analyzing the Garuda Indonesia Case] . Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis 13(2), pp. 78-99. DOI:10.30813/jab.v13i2.2240. IND | ||||
Bwarleling, TH and Kinasih, PR (2022). Language Preferences from Accounting and Linguistic Perspective in Sustainability Report . Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges In Management, Economics, and Accounting, Paris, France . DOI:10.33422/9th.omeaconf.2022.08.100. | ||||
Cabarle, C (2018). Using Benford’s law to predict the risk of financial statement fraud in equity crowd funding offerings. Proceedings of 2018 Engaged management scholarship conference, Philadelphia, PA.. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3240900. | ||||
Cabarle, C (2019). Predicting the Risk of Fraud in Equity Crowdfunding Offers and Assessing the Wisdom of the Crowd. PhD Thesis, Temple University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2019. 13863507. | ||||
Campanelli, L (2022). On the Euclidean distance statistic of Benford’s law. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, pp. 1-24. DOI:10.1080/03610926.2022.2082480}. | ||||
Campanelli, L (2022). Testing Benford's Law: from small to very large data sets. Spanish Journal of Statistics 4(1), pp. 41-54. DOI:10.37830/SJS.2022.1.03. | ||||
Campanelli, L (2022). Breaking Benford’s law: A statistical analysis of Covid-19 data using the Euclidean distance statistic. Preprint submitted to Statistics in Transition. | ||||
Campanelli, L (2022). Monkeypox Obeys the (Benford's) Law: A Dynamic Analysis of Daily Case Counts in the United States of America. Preprint submitted to Statistics in Tran- sition new series.. | ||||
Campanelli, L (2022). Tuning up the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for testing Benford’s law. Preprint on ResearchGate. | ||||
Canessa, E (2003). Theory of analogous force on number sets. Physica A 328, pp. 44-52. DOI:10.1016/S0378-4371(03)00526-0. | ||||
Cano‐Rodríguez, M, Licerán-Gutiérrez, A and Nunez-Nickel, M (2023). Does Divergence from Benford’s Distribution Signal Earnings Management?. Preprint available at SSRN; last accessed January 16, 2025. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.4475622. | ||||
Castañeda, G (2011). La ley de Benford y su aplicabilidad en el análisis forense de resultados electorales [Benford’s Law and its Applicability in the Forensic Analysis of Electoral Results]. Política y gobierno 18(2), pp. 297-329. SPA | ||||
Cerqueti, R, Maggi, M and Riccioni, J (2022). Statistical methods for decision support systems in finance: how Benford’s law predicts financial risk. Annals of Operations Research. DOI:10.1007/s10479-022-04742-z. | ||||
Cerqueti, R and Provenzano, D (2023). Benford's Law for economic data reliability: The case of tourism flows in Sicily. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, p. 113635. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113635. | ||||
Cerri, J (2018). A fish rots from the head down: how to use the leading digits of ecological data to detect their falsification. Preprint, bioRxiv p. 368951. DOI:10.1101/368951. | ||||
Chamberlain, A and Yanus, AB (2021). Evaluating Federated Voluntary Associations’ Membership Data: An Application of Benford's Law. Social Science Quarterly pp. 1– 12. DOI:10.1111/ssqu.13015. | ||||
Chi, D (2020). First Digit Phenomenon in Number Generation Under Uncertainty: Through the Lens of Benford’s Law. Master's thesis, School of Psychology, University of Sydney. | ||||
Chi, D and Burns, BD (2022). Why do People fit to Benford’s Law? – A Test of the Recognition Hypothesis. In: Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.), pp. 3648-3654. | ||||
Cho, WKT and Gaines, BJ (2007). Breaking the (Benford) law: Statistical fraud detection in campaign finance. American Statistician 61(3), pp. 218-223. ISSN/ISBN:0003-1305. DOI:10.1198/000313007X223496. | ||||
Chou, MC, Kong, Q, Teo, CP, Wang, Z and Zheng, H (2009). Benford's Law and Number Selection in Fixed-Odds Numbers Game. Journal of Gambling Studies 25(4), pp. 503-521. DOI:10.1007/s10899-009-9145-9. | ||||
Ciaponi, F and Mandanici, F (2014). Using Digital Frequencies To Detect Anomalies in Receivables and Payables: An Analysis of the Italian Universities. Journal of Economic and Social Development 2(1), pp. 86-108. | ||||
Cleary, R and Thibodeau, JC (2005). Applying Digital Analysis Using Benford‘s Law to Detect Fraud: The Dangers of Type I Errors. Auditing - A Journal of Practice & Theory 24(1), pp. 77-81. ISSN/ISBN:0278-0380. DOI:10.2308/aud.2005.24.1.77. | ||||
Clippe, P and Ausloos, M (2012). Benford's law and Theil transform of financial data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391(24), pp. 6556–6567. | ||||
Cole, MA, Maddison, DJ and Zhang, L (2020). Testing the emission reduction claims of CDM projects using the Benford's Law. Climatic Change 160 (3), pp. 407–426. DOI:10.1007/s10584-019-02593-5. | ||||
Cong, M, Li, C and Ma, B-Q (2019). First digit law from Laplace transform. Phys. Lett. A, 383(16), pp. 1836-1844. DOI:10.1016/j.physleta.2019.03.017 . | ||||
Cong, M and Ma, B-Q (2019). A Proof of First Digit Law from Laplace Transform. Chinese Physics Letters, 36, 7, 070201. DOI:10.1088/0256-307X/36/7/070201. | ||||
Corazza, M, Ellero, A and Zorzi, A (2010). Checking financial markets via Benford's law: the S&P 500 case. In: Corazza, M and Pizzi, C (Eds.): Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, Springer, pp. 93-102. DOI:10.1007/978-88-470-1481-7_10. | ||||
Corazza, M, Ellero, A and Zorzi, A (2018). The importance of being “one” (or Benford’s law). Lettera Matematica 6(1), pp. 33–39. DOI:10.1007/s40329-018-0218-4. | ||||
Costa, JI (2012). Desenvolvimento de metodologias contabilométricas aplicadas a auditoria contábil digital: uma proposta de análise da lei de Newcomb-Benford para os Tribunais de Contas. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. POR | ||||
Costa, JI, da Silva, WB, Travassos, SK and dos Santos, J (2013). Análise de Conformidade da Lei de Newcomb-Benford no Ambiente de Auditoria Contínua: Uma Proposta de Identificação de Desvios no Tempo. In Proceedings of Anais do 37o Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. POR | ||||
Cournane, S, Sheehy, N and Cooke, J (2014). The novel application of Benford's second order analysis for monitoring radiation output in interventional radiology. Physica Medica 30(4), pp. 413–418. DOI:10.1016/j.ejmp.2013.11.004. | ||||
Covelli, A (2024). Modelli stocastici per la legge di Benford [Stochastic models for the law of Benford]. Undergraduate Thesis, University of Padua. ITA | ||||
Cumbrera-Conde, I, Silva-Ramírez, E-L and Cumbrera, FL (2024). Signal processing analysis for detection of anomalies in numerical series. Expert Systems with Applications 255 Part D, pp. 124708. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124708. | ||||
da Cruz Filho, EC, Nunes, DMS and Santana, CM (2021). LEI DE BENFORD: uma análise de sua aplicabilidade na detecção de fraudes nas prestações de contas de senadores da República. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Policiais 12(6). DOI:10.31412%2Frbcp.v12i6.830. POR | ||||
da Silva, ASCD (2013). The application of Benford’s Law in detecting accounting fraud in the Financial Sector. Masters Thesis, Lisboa School of Economics & Management. | ||||
da Silva, WB, Travassos, SKM and Costa, JIF (2017). Using the Newcomb-Benford Law as a Deviation Identification Method in Continuous Auditing Environments: A Proposal for Detecting Deviations over Time. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças 28(73), pp. 11–26. DOI:10.1590/1808-057x201702690 . | ||||
Dang, CT and Owens, T (2019). Does transparency come at the cost of charitable services? Evidence from investigating British charities. CREDIT Research Paper 19/02; published (2020) in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 172, pp. 314–343. | ||||
Das, RC, Mishra, CS and Rajib, P (2017). Detection of Anomalies in Accounting Data Using Benford’s Law: Evidence from India. Journal of Social Science Studies 4(1), pp. 123-139. DOI:10.5296/jsss.v4i1.9873. | ||||
Datta, D and Banks, D (2021). Was There Any Widespread Fraud in 2020 Presidential Election? What does Benford's Law say?. Journal of Student Research (High School Edition) 10(3), pp. . ISSN/ISBN:2167-1907. DOI:10.47611/jsrhs.v10i3.1848. | ||||
Deleanu, IS (2017). Do Countries Consistently Engage in Misinforming the International Community about Their Efforts to Combat Money Laundering? Evidence Using Benford's Law. PLoS One 12(1), p. e0169632. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169632. | ||||
Demirdöven, K (2019). Adli Muhasebeciler İçin Benford’un Hukukunun Etkinliğinin Bir Araştirma Araci Olarak Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Benford's Law as a Research Tool for Forensic Accountants]. Masters Project, Istanbul Esenyurt University. TUR | ||||
Diaz, J, Gallart, J and Ruiz, M (2014). On the Ability of the Benford’s Law to Detect Earthquakes and Discriminate Seismic Signals. Seismological Research Letters 86(1), pp. 192-201. DOI:10.1785/0220140131. | ||||
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Dissanayake, CK and Daniel, J (2021). Do Pandemic Related Datasets with High Artificial Control Still Follow the Benford’s Law?. Proceedings of the 4th European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Rome, Italy, August 2-5. | ||||
Drew, JH, Evans, DL, Glen, AG and Leemis, LM (2017). Products of Random Variables. In:Computational Probability: Algorithms and Applications in the Mathematical Sciences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 73-86. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-319-43323-3. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-43323-3. | ||||
Drew, JH, Evans, DL, Glen, AG and Leemis, LM (2017). Other Applications. In: Computational Probability. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 246. Springer, Cham, pp. 301-321. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-319-43323-3. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-43323-3_15. | ||||
Druica, E, Oancea, B and Valsan, C (2018). Benford's law and the limits of digit analysis. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 31, pp. 75–82. DOI:10.1016/j.accinf.2018.09.004. | ||||
Ducharme, RG, Kaci, S and Vovor-Dassu ,C (2020). Smooths Tests of Goodness-of-fit for the Newcomb-Benford distribution. Preprint: arXiv:2003.00520v1 [math.ST]. Published in Mathématiques appliquées et stochastiques, 3(1). FRE | ||||
Dumas, CF and Devine, JH (2000). Detecting Evidence of Non-Compliance in Self- Reported Pollution Emissions Data: An Application of Benford’s Law. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association, Annual meeting. | ||||
Dümbgen, L and Leuenberger, C (2008). Explicit Bounds for the Approximation Error in Benford’s Law. Electronic Communications in Probability 13, pp. 99-112. ISSN/ISBN:1083-589X. DOI:10.1214/ECP.v13-1358. | ||||
Durtschi, C, Hillison, W and Pacini, C (2004). The effective use of Benford’s law to assist in detecting fraud in accounting data. Journal of Forensic Accounting 1524-5586/Vol. V, pp. 17-34. | ||||
Egbunike, FC and Amakor, CI (2013). Fraud & auditors analytical procedure: A test of Benford’s law. EBS Journal of Management Sciences 1(1), pp. 14-31. | ||||
Eisenberg, P (2018). Investigating Complex Financial Crime - A Case Study Inspired by the Polly Peck PLC Fraud. Journal of Harmonized Research in Management 4(4), pp. 124-135. DOI:10.30876/JOHR.4.4.2018.124-135. | ||||
El Mouaaouy, F and Riepe, J (2018). Benford and the Internal Capital Market: A Useful Indicator of Managerial Engagement. German Economic Review 19, pp. 309-329. DOI:10.1111/geer.12129. | ||||
El Sehity, T, Hoelzl, E and Kirchler, E (2005). Price developments after a nominal shock: Benford's Law and psychological pricing after the euro introduction. International Journal of Research in Marketing 22(4), pp. 471-480. ISSN/ISBN:0167-8116. DOI:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2005.09.002. | ||||
Elba, F (2020). Dati Covid 2019 e legge di Benford. Preprint arXiv:2008.05884 [physics.soc-ph]; last accessed August 29, 2020. ITA | ||||
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