This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Bredl, S, Storfinger, N and Menold, N (2011). A literature review of methods to detect fabricated survey data. Discussion Paper, No. 56, Justus-Liebig- Universität Gießen, Zentrum für Internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU), Giessen. Also appears in: Interviewers’ deviations in surveys. Ed. by N. Menold, P. Winker, and R. Porst. Schriften zur empir. | ||||
Bredl, S, Winker, P and Kötschau, K (2012). A statistical approach to detect interviewer falsification of survey data. Survey Methodology, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 1-10. | ||||
DeMatteis, JM, Young, LJ, Dahlhamer, J, Langley, RE, Murphy, J, Olson, K and Sharma, S (2020). Falsification in Surveys. Tech Report prepared for AAPOR Council and the Executive Committee of the American Statistical Association by the members of the Task Force on Data Falsification. | ||||
Porras, J and English, N (2004). Data-Driven Approaches to Identifying Interviewer Falsification: The Case of Health Surveys. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section, pp. 4223-4228. | ||||
Rosmansyah, Y, Santoso, I, Hardi, AB, Putri, A and Sutikno, S (2019). Detection of Interviewer Falsification in Statistics Indonesia’s Mobile Survey. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11(3), pp. 474-484. | ||||
Wroński, K (2012). Zastosowanie Rozkładu Benforda do Analizy Plików Dźwiękowych [Benford Distribution Application to the Analysis of Sound File] . Bachelor Thesis, Krakow Academy, Faculty of Economics and Management. POL |