This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Aggarwal, V and Dharni, K (2020). Deshelling the Shell Companies Using Benford’s Law: An Emerging Market Study. Vikalpa 45(3), pp. 160-169. DOI:10.1177/0256090920979695. | ||||
Aris, NA, Othman, R, Bukhori, MAM, Arif, SMM and Malek, MAA (2017). Detecting Accounting Anomalies Using Benford’s Law: Evidence from the Malaysian Public Sector. Management & Accounting Review 16(2), pp. 73-100. | ||||
Bhattacharya, S, Xu, D and Kumar, K (2010). An ANN-based auditor decision support system using Benford's Law. Decision support systems, 50 (3), pp. 576-584. | ||||
Bradley, JR and Farnsworth, DL (2009). What is Benford's Law?. Teaching Statistics 31(1), pp. 2-6. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9639.2009.00347.x. | ||||
Bradley, JR and Farnsworth, DL (2009). Beispiele und Schüleraktivitäten zum BENFORD-Gesetz. Stochastik in der Schule (SiS) 29(3), pp. 28-32 . ISSN/ISBN:1614-0443. GER | ||||
Costa, JI (2012). Desenvolvimento de metodologias contabilométricas aplicadas a auditoria contábil digital: uma proposta de análise da lei de Newcomb-Benford para os Tribunais de Contas. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. POR | ||||
Demirdöven, K (2019). Adli Muhasebeciler İçin Benford’un Hukukunun Etkinliğinin Bir Araştirma Araci Olarak Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Benford's Law as a Research Tool for Forensic Accountants]. Masters Project, Istanbul Esenyurt University. TUR | ||||
Ergin, E and Erturan, IE (2020). Is Benford’s Law Effective in Fraud Detection for Expense Cycle? . Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 42(2), pp. 316–326. DOI:10.14780.muiibd.854444. | ||||
Gamermann, D and Antunes, FL (2018). Statistical analysis of Brazilian electoral campaigns via Benford’s law. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 496, pp. 171-188. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.120. | ||||
Goh, C (2020). Applying visual analytics to fraud detection using Benford's law. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, pp. 1-7. DOI:10.1002/jcaf.22440. | ||||
Hickman, MJ and Rice, SK (2010). Digital Analysis of Crime Statistics: Does Crime Conform to Benford’s Law?. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 26(3), pp. 333-349. ISSN/ISBN:1573-7799. DOI:10.1007/s10940-010-9094-6. | ||||
Kellerman, L (2014). Evaluating the effectiveness of Benford’s law as an investigative tool for forensic accountants. Masters thesis (Magister Commercii) in Forensic Accountancy at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. | ||||
Larsen, JE (2017). Benford’s Law and Earnings Management Detection: The Case of REITs. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(2), pp. 779-790. | ||||
Lee, Y, Do, Y, Lineman, M, Joo, G-J and Jo, H (2024). Application of citizen science with the nationwide bird census. Scientific Reports 14, pp.10379. DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-61225-w. | ||||
Othman, R, Ameer, R and Laswad, F (2019). Forensic Auditing Tools in Detecting Financial Statements' Irregularities: Benford's Law and Beneish Model in the Case of Toshiba. In: R. Marques, C. Santos, & H. Inácio (Eds.), Organizational Auditing and Assurance in the Digital Age, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Chapter 13, pp. 256-275. DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-7356-2.ch013. | ||||
Pavlović, V, Knežević, G, Joksimović, M and Joksimović, D (2019). Fraud Detection in Financial Statements Applying Benford's Law with Monte Carlo Simulation. Acta oeconomica 69(2), pp.217-239. DOI:10.1556/032.2019.69.2.4. | ||||
Sylwestrzak, M (2023). Applying Benford’s Law to Detect Earnings Management. Journal of Economics and Management 45(1), pp. 216–36. DOI:10.22367/jem.2023.45.10. | ||||
Vičič, J and Tošić, A (2022). Application of Benford’s law on cryptocurrencies. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 17(1), pp. 313-326. DOI:10.3390/jtaer17010016. |