Cong, LW, Li, X, Tang, K and Yang, Y (2021). Crypto Wash Trading. Management Science 69(11), pp. 6427-6454.
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Falk, BH, Tsoulalas, G and Zhang, N (2023). Crypto Wash Trading: Direct vs. Indirect Estimation. Preprint arXiv:2311.18717 [econ.GN]; last accessed January 4, 2024.
Sila, J, Kocenda, E, Kristoufek, L and Kukacka, J (2024). Determinants of wash trading in major cryptoexchanges. Preprint on SSRN; last accessed October 20, 2024.
Wang, H, Liu, T, Zhang, Y, Wu, Y, Sun, Y, Dong, J and Huang, W (2023). Last Digit Tendency: Lucky Numbers and Psychological Rounding in Mobile Transactions. Fundamental Research. DOI:10.1016/j.fmre.2023.11.011.