Orth, CdO, Michaelsen, AT and Lerner, AF (2020). Newcomb Benford law and accounting audit: a systematic literature review. Gestao E Desenvolvimento 17(2), pp. 111-135. SPA
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Gajdosikova, D, Nagy, M and Valaskova, K (2022). Earnings Management Detection: Practical Application of Benford's Law in Business Practice. Journal of Management and Business: Research and Practice 14(1). ISSN/ISBN:1339-9381. DOI:10.54933/jmbrp-2022-14-1-1.
Theodoro, R, Bonarim, CAG and Costa, DRdM (2021). Identifying Discretionary Actions Taken by Managers in Credit Unions: An Application of Benford's Law. Journal of Accounting, Management and Governance 24(3), pp. 331-348. DOI:10.51341/1984-3925_2021v24n3a5.