This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Bwarleling, TH (2020). Aplikasi Hukum Benford Dalam Menganalisa Kasus Garuda Indonesia [Benford's Law Application in Analyzing the Garuda Indonesia Case] . Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis 13(2), pp. 78-99. DOI:10.30813/jab.v13i2.2240. IND | ||||
Bwarleling, TH and Kinasih, PR (2022). Language Preferences from Accounting and Linguistic Perspective in Sustainability Report . Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges In Management, Economics, and Accounting, Paris, France . DOI:10.33422/9th.omeaconf.2022.08.100. | ||||
Nurdhin, MF and Tjen, C (2018). Analyis Benford’s Law Model as an Alternative for Benchmark Behavioral Model Method to Identify Tax Payer’s Compliance Case Sudy: DGT Regional South Jakarta II. Proceedings of the Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium 2018 on Special Session for Indonesian Study (JCAE 2018) - Contemporary Accounting Studies in Indonesia, pp. 371-381. [Also listed as 2017 Masters Thesis]. ISSN/ISBN:978-989-758-339-1. | ||||
Putra, ACY and Maryadi (2021). Penerapan Benford's Law Untuk Mendeteksi Dugaan Ketidakpatuhan Material Pada Spt Tahunan Pph Orang Pribadi [Implementation of Benford's Law to Detect Suspected Material Non-Compliance at Annual Personal PPH Annual Tax Return]. Scientax 2(2), pp. 140-159. IND |