Morillas-Jurado, FG, Caballer-Tarazona, M and Caballer-Tarazona, V (2022). Applying Benford’s Law to Monitor Death Registration Data: A Management Tool for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mathematics 10(1), 46.
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Carmo, CRS, Nunes, FC and Caneppele, FdL (2023). The limits of conformity analysis under the Newcomb-Benford law and the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
. Brazilian Journal of Biometrics 41, pp. 234-248 . DOI:10.28951/bjb.v41i3.626.
Farhadi, N and Lahooti, H (2022). Forensic Analysis of COVID-19 Data from 198 Countries Two Years after the Pandemic Outbreak. COVID 2(4), pp. 472-484. DOI:10.3390/covid2040034.
Luty, P, Petković, M and Vavrek, R (2022). Applying Benfordʼs Law on assessing the reliability of financial information in European companies from the rental and leasing sector before and after the adoption of IFRS 16. The Theoretical Journal of Accounting 46(4), pp. 51-68. ISSN/ISBN:1641-4381 .
Păunescu, M, Nichita, E-M, Lazăr, P and Frățilă, A (2023). Applying Benford’s Law to Detect Fraud in the Insurance Industry—A Case Study from the Romanian Market. Proceedings of Fostering Recovery Through Metaverse Business Modelling. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-28255-3_4.
Sinaga, ES and Sudharma, NI (2024). Benford’s law analysis to evaluate the quality data of COVID-19 epidemiological surveillance in Indonesia. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) vol. 13 (1), pp. 7-13.