Lusk, EJ and Halperin, M (2014). Test of Proportions Screening for the Newcomb-Benford Screen in the Audit Context: A Likelihood Triaging Protocol. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research 3(4), pp. 166-180.
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Bao, Y, Lee, C-H, Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2018). Empirical information on the small size effect bias relative to the false positive rejection error for Benford test-screening. International Journal of Economics and Finance 10(2), pp. 1-9. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v10n2p1.
Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2017). A robust Newcomb-Benford account screening profiler: An audit decision support system. International Journal of Financial Research 8(3), pp. 27-39. DOI:10.5430/ijfr.v8n3p27.
Lusk, EJ and Halperin, M (2015). Testing the mixing property of the Newcomb-Benford Profile: Implications for the audit context. International Journal of Economics & Finance 7(6), pp. 42-50. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v7n6p42.