This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Adam, A and Tsarsitalidou, S (2022). Data misreporting during the COVID19 crisis: The role of political institutions. Economics Letters 213, p. 110348. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110348. | ||||
Akkaş, ME (2007). Denetimde Benford Kanununun Uygulanmasi (Application of Benford's Law in Audit). Gazi Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, vol.9, no.1, pp. 191-206. TUR | ||||
Alshaikh, L (2022). Benford's Law on Social Media. Young Scientists Journal, posted January 16, 2022, last accessed January 31, 2022. | ||||
Alves, AM and Lyra, CS (2008). Manchas Solares y la Ley de Newcomb-Benford. . RELEA 6, pp. 21-31. DOI:10.37156/RELEA/2008.06.021. SPA | ||||
Amershi, AH and Feroz, EH (2000). The occurrence of Fibanocci numbers in time series of financial accounting ratios: Anomalies or indicators of firm survival, bankruptcy and fraud? An exploratory study. Managerial Finance 26(11), pp. 5-20. DOI:10.1108/03074350010766954. | ||||
Anderson, KM, Dayaratna, K, Gonshorowski, D and Miller, SJ (2022). A New Benford Test for Clustered Data with Applications to American Elections. Stats 5(3), pp. 841–855. DOI:10.3390/stats5030049 . | ||||
Anderson, TC, Rolen, L and Stoehr, R (2011). Benford's Law for Coefficients of Modular Forms and Partition Functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 139, No. 5, May 2011, pp. 1533-1541. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9939. | ||||
Armstrong, JS (2001). Extrapolation for time-series and cross-sectional data. . In: Principles of Forecasting: a Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners, Kluwer Academic Publishers. | ||||
Aschwanden, D and Diekmann, A (2011). Analyse der Schweizer Nationalratswahlen von 2007 mit dem Benford’schen Gesetz. Gruppenarbeit an der ETH Zürich, betreut von Prof. Andreas Diekmann. GER | ||||
Ausloos, M, Cerqueti, R and Mir, TA (2017). Data science for assessing possible tax income manipulation: The case of Italy. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 104, pp. 238–256. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2017.08.012. | ||||
Azevedo, CdS, Gonçalves, RF, Gava, VL and Spinola, MdM (2021). A Benford’s Law based methodology for fraud detection in social welfare programs: Bolsa Familia analysis. Physica A 567, p. 125626. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2020.125626. | ||||
Badal-Valero, E, Alvarez-Jareño, JA and Pavía, JM (2018). Combining Benford's Law and machine learning to detect money laundering. An actual Spanish court case. Forensic Science International 282, pp. 24-34. DOI:10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.11.008. | ||||
Balashov, VS, Yan, Y and Zhu, X (2020). Who Manipulates Data During Pandemics? Evidence from Newcomb-Benford Law. Preprint arXiv:2007.14841 [econ.GN]; last accessed March 10, 2021. | ||||
Balashov, VS, Yan, Y and Zhu, X (2021). Using the Newcomb–Benford law to study the association between a country’s COVID-19 reporting accuracy and its development. Scientific Reports 11, pp. 22914. DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-02367-z. | ||||
Bao, Y, Heilig, F, Lee, C-H and Lusk, EJ (2018). Full range testing of the small size effect bias for Benford screening: A note. International Journal of Economics and Finance 10(6), pp. 47-52. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v10n6p47. | ||||
Bao, Y, Lee, C-H, Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2018). Empirical information on the small size effect bias relative to the false positive rejection error for Benford test-screening. International Journal of Economics and Finance 10(2), pp. 1-9. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v10n2p1. | ||||
Barjaktarović, L , Milojević, M and Terzić, I. (2014). Results of Applience of Benford’s Law on Serbian Companies. Proceedings of XIV International Symposium SymOrg, Zlatibor. | ||||
Becker, T, Burt, D, Corcoran, TC, Greaves-Tunnell, A, Iafrate, JR, Jing, J, Miller, SJ, Porfilio, JD, Ronan, R, Samranvedhya, J, Strauch, FW and Talbut, B (2018). Benford's Law and Continuous Dependent Random Variables. Annals of Physics 388, pp. 350–381. DOI:10.1016/j.aop.2017.11.013. | ||||
Becker, T, Corcoran, TC, Greaves-Tunnell, A, Iafrate, JR, Jing, J, Miller, SJ, Porfilio, JD, Ronan, R, Samranvedhya, J and Strauch, FW (2013). Benford's Law and Continuous Dependent Random Variables. Preprint arXiv:1309.5603 [math.PR]; last accessed October 23, 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.aop.2017.11.013. | ||||
Best, A, Dynes, P, Edelsbrunner, X, McDonald, B, Miller, SJ, Tor, K, Turnage-Butterbaugh, C and Weinstein, M (2014). Benford Behavior of Zeckendorf Decompositions. Fibonacci Quarterly 52(5), pp. 35–46. | ||||
Best, A, Dynes, P, Edelsbrunner, X, McDonald, B, Miller, SJ, Tor, K, Turnage-Butterbaugh, C and Weinstein, M (2017). Benford Behavior of Generalized Zeckendorf Decompositions. In: Nathanson M. (eds) Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory II. CANT 2015, CANT 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 220. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-68032-3_3. | ||||
Betti, L, Durmić, I, McDonald, Z, Miller, JB and Miller, SJ (2023). Benfordness of Measurements Resulting from Box Fragmentation. Preprint arXiv:2304.08335 [math.PR]; last accessed April 29, 2023. | ||||
Bhattacharya, S, Kumar, K and Smarandache, F (2005). Conditional probability of actually detecting a financial fraud – a neutrosophic extension to Benford’s law. International Journal of Applied Mathematics 17(1), pp. 7-14. | ||||
Bhole, G, Shukla, A and Mahesh, TS (2014). Benford distributions in NMR. Preprint arXiv:1406.7077 []; last accessed June 7, 2018. | ||||
Bhole, G, Shukla, A and Mahesh, TS (2015). Benford analysis: A useful paradigm for spectroscopic analysis. Chemical Physics Letters 639, pp. 36–40. DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2015.08.061. | ||||
Bi, Z, Durmić, I and Miller, SJ (2022). Benfordness of the Generalized Gamma Distribution. Preprint arXiv:2201.10514 [math.PR]; last accessed January 31, 2022. Published in The PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research 5, pp. 89–104. | ||||
Biau, D. (2015). The first-digit frequencies in data of turbulent flows. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 440, pp. 147-154. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2015.08.016. | ||||
Blondeau Da Silva, S (2020). Limits of Benford’s Law in Experimental Field. International Journal of Applied Mathematics 33(4), pp. 685-695. DOI:10.12732/ijam.v33i4.12. | ||||
Bradley, JR and Farnsworth, DL (2009). What is Benford's Law?. Teaching Statistics 31(1), pp. 2-6. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9639.2009.00347.x. | ||||
Bradley, JR and Farnsworth, DL (2009). Beispiele und Schüleraktivitäten zum BENFORD-Gesetz. Stochastik in der Schule (SiS) 29(3), pp. 28-32 . ISSN/ISBN:1614-0443. GER | ||||
Brähler, G, Bensmann, M and Emke, AL (2010). Der Einsatz mathematisch-statistischer Methoden in der digitalen Betriebsprüfung. Illmenauer Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre 4/2010. GER | ||||
Brähler, G, Bensmann, M and Jakobi, HR (2011). Das Benfordsche Gesetz und seine Anwendbarkeit bei der digitalen Prüfung von Fahrtenbüchern. Ilmenauer Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre 3/2011. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-940882-28-8. GER | ||||
Breunig, C and Goerres, A (2011). Searching for Electoral Irregularities in an Established Democracy: Applying Benford’s Law Tests to Bundestag Elections in Unified Germany. Electoral Studies 30(3) September 2011, pp. 534-545. | ||||
Brooks, D (2002). Naked-Eye Quantum Mechanics: Practical Applications of Benford's Law for Integer Quantities. Frequencies - The Journal of Size Law Applications, Special Paper #1, pp. 1-8. | ||||
Browne, MW (1998). Following Benford’s law, or looking out for no. 1. The New York Times, August 4, 1998. | ||||
Brunell, TL and Glazer, A (2001). Rational Response to Irrational Attitudes: The Level of the Gasoline Tax in the United States. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 20(4), pp. 761-769. ISSN/ISBN:0276-8739. | ||||
Burgos, A and Santos, A (2021). The Newcomb–Benford law: Scale invariance and a simple Markov process based on it (Previous title: The Newcomb–Benford law: Do physicists use more frequently the key 1 than the key 9?). Preprint arXiv:2101.12068 [physics.pop-ph]; last accessed August 8, 2022; Published Am. J. Phys. 89, pp. 851-861. | ||||
Burns, BD (2009). Sensitivity to statistical regularities: People (largely) follow Benford’s law. pp 2872-2877 in: Proceedings of CogSci 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. | ||||
Burns, BD (2020). Do people fit to Benford’s law, or do they have a Benford bias?. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Virtual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1729-1735. | ||||
Buyse, M, George, SL, Evans, S, Geller, NL, Edler, L and Hutton, J (1999). The Role of Biostatistics in the Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Fraud in Clinical Trials. Statistics in Medicine 18 (24), pp. 3435-3451. ISSN/ISBN:0277-6715. DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19991230)18:24<3435::AID-SIM365>3.0.CO;2-O. | ||||
Cakebread, K (2011). Detecting Manipulations in Data with Benford's Law – A C# Class. Posted on; last accessed Jun 8, 2019. | ||||
Canessa, E (2003). Theory of analogous force on number sets. Physica A 328, pp. 44-52. DOI:10.1016/S0378-4371(03)00526-0. | ||||
Casey, MC (2004). Integrated Learning in Multi-net Systems. University of Surrey Ph.D. Thesis submitted Feb 2004. | ||||
Castañeda, G (2011). La ley de Benford y su aplicabilidad en el análisis forense de resultados electorales [Benford’s Law and its Applicability in the Forensic Analysis of Electoral Results]. Política y gobierno 18(2), pp. 297-329. SPA | ||||
Cerqueti, R, Maggi, M and Riccioni, J (2022). Statistical methods for decision support systems in finance: how Benford’s law predicts financial risk. Annals of Operations Research. DOI:10.1007/s10479-022-04742-z. | ||||
Chanda, T, Das, T, Sadhukhan, D, Pal, AK, Sen(De), A and Sen, U (2015). Statistics of leading digits leads to unification of quantum correlations. Europhysics Letters 114(3). DOI:10.1209/0295-5075/114/30004. | ||||
Chatterjee, S, Sarkar, A, Karmakar, M, Chatterjee, S and Paul, R (2020). EIRD model to study the asymptomatic growth during COVID-19 pandemic in India. Indian Journal of Physics. DOI:10.1007/s12648-020-01928-8. | ||||
Cho, WKT and Gaines, BJ (2007). Breaking the (Benford) law: Statistical fraud detection in campaign finance. American Statistician 61(3), pp. 218-223. ISSN/ISBN:0003-1305. DOI:10.1198/000313007X223496. | ||||
Chou, MC, Kong, Q, Teo, CP, Wang, Z and Zheng, H (2009). Benford's Law and Number Selection in Fixed-Odds Numbers Game. Journal of Gambling Studies 25(4), pp. 503-521. DOI:10.1007/s10899-009-9145-9. | ||||
Ciofalo, M (2009). Entropy, Benford’s first digit law, and the distribution of everything. Unpublished manuscript. | ||||
Cockshott, WP, McGregor, D and Wilson, J (1998). High-Performance Operations Using a Compressed Database Architecture. The Computer Journal 41(5), pp. 283-296. ISSN/ISBN:0010-4620. DOI:10.1093/comjnl/41.5.283. | ||||
Cole, MA, Maddison, DJ and Zhang, L (2020). Testing the emission reduction claims of CDM projects using the Benford's Law. Climatic Change 160 (3), pp. 407–426. DOI:10.1007/s10584-019-02593-5. | ||||
Costa, JI, Henriques, DBB, Melo, S and dos Santos, J (2012). Análise de métodos contabilométricos para determinação de conformidade da Lei Newcomb-Benford aplicados à auditoria contábil. [An analysis of Benford’s law conformity contabilometric methods applied to audit accounting] . Revista Gestão Pública: Práticas e Desafios, Recife, v. III, n. 6, pp. 292-314. POR | ||||
Cox, RAK, Cheng, Q and Cos, GRA (2024). The Anomalous Behavior of Stock Prices on the Canadian Securities Exchange. International Journal of Financial Research 15(4). DOI:10.5430/ijfr.v15n4p1. | ||||
Cuff, V , Lewis, A and Miller, SJ (2015). The Weibull distribution and Benford’s law. Involve Vol. 8 No. 5, pp. 859–874. DOI:10.2140/involve.2015.8.859. | ||||
Cymrot, R, da Rocha, FR and Ferreira, DS (2012). Análise dos Dígitos Industriais Baseada na Lei de Benford e sua Aplicação Utilizando Rotinas Computacionais. Revista Mackenzie de Engenharia e Computaco, vol.12, number 1. POR | ||||
da Cunha, FCR (2013). Aplicações da lei Newcomb-Benford à auditoria de obras públicas [Applications of the Newcomb-Benford Law on Audit of Public Works]. Masters Thesis, University of Brasilia. POR | ||||
Dang, CT and Owens, T (2019). Does transparency come at the cost of charitable services? Evidence from investigating British charities. CREDIT Research Paper 19/02; published (2020) in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 172, pp. 314–343. | ||||
Dantuluri, A and Desai, S (2018). Do tau lepton branching fractions obey Benford's law?. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 506, pp. 919-928. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2018.05.013. | ||||
Deckert, J, Myagkov, M and Ordeshook, PC (2010). The Irrelevance of Benford's Law for Detecting Fraud in Elections. CALTECH working paper 9. | ||||
Demirdöven, K (2019). Adli Muhasebeciler İçin Benford’un Hukukunun Etkinliğinin Bir Araştirma Araci Olarak Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Benford's Law as a Research Tool for Forensic Accountants]. Masters Project, Istanbul Esenyurt University. TUR | ||||
Diekmann, A (2002). Diagnose von Fehlerquellen und methodische Qualität in der sozialwissen- schaftlichen Forschung [Sources of bias and quality of data in social science research]. Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) Working Paper No. ITA-02-04. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.518402. GER | ||||
Diekmann, A (2007). Not the First Digit! Using Benford's Law to Detect Fraudulent Scientific Data. Journal of Applied Statistics 34(3), pp. 321-329. ISSN/ISBN:0266-4763. DOI:10.1080/02664760601004940. | ||||
Diekmann, A and Jann, B (2010). Benford’s Law and Fraud Detection: Facts and Legends. German Economic Review 11(3), pp. 397–401. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-0475.2010.00510.x. | ||||
dos Santos, CC (2014). Aplicação da Lei de Benford na auditoria : estudo de caso [Application of Benford's Law in Auditing - Case Study] . Masters thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. POR | ||||
dos Santos, J, Tenório, JNB and Silva, LGC (2003). Uma aplicação da Teoria das probabilidades na contabilometria: A Lei de Newcomb-Benford como medida para análise de dados no campo da auditoria contábil. Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 6(1), pp. 35-54. POR | ||||
dos Santos, J, Diniz, JA and Ribeiro Filho, JF (2003). A Lei de Newcomb- Benford: uma aplicação para determinar o DNA-equivalente das despesas no setor público. Proceedings of 3rd Congresso usp de controladoria e contrabilidade congresso, Brazil. POR | ||||
Drake, PD and Nigrini, MJ (2000). Computer assisted analytical procedures using Benford’s law. Journal of Accounting Education 18, pp. 127-146. DOI:10.1016/S0748-5751(00)00008-7. | ||||
Drew, JH, Evans, DL, Glen, AG and Leemis, LM (2017). Products of Random Variables. In:Computational Probability: Algorithms and Applications in the Mathematical Sciences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 73-86. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-319-43323-3. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-43323-3. | ||||
Drew, JH, Evans, DL, Glen, AG and Leemis, LM (2017). Other Applications. In: Computational Probability. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 246. Springer, Cham, pp. 301-321. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-319-43323-3. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-43323-3_15. | ||||
Ducharme, RG, Kaci, S and Vovor-Dassu ,C (2020). Smooths Tests of Goodness-of-fit for the Newcomb-Benford distribution. Preprint: arXiv:2003.00520v1 [math.ST]. Published in Mathématiques appliquées et stochastiques, 3(1). FRE | ||||
Dumas, CF and Devine, JH (2000). Detecting Evidence of Non-Compliance in Self- Reported Pollution Emissions Data: An Application of Benford’s Law. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association, Annual meeting. | ||||
Dümbgen, L and Leuenberger, C (2008). Explicit Bounds for the Approximation Error in Benford’s Law. Electronic Communications in Probability 13, pp. 99-112. ISSN/ISBN:1083-589X. DOI:10.1214/ECP.v13-1358. | ||||
Durmić, I (2022). Benford Behavior of a Higher Dimensional Fragmentation Processes. Undergraduate thesis, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts. | ||||
Durmić, I and Miller SJ (2023). Benford Behavior of a Higher-Dimensional Fragmentation Process. Preprint arXiv:2308.07404 [math.PR]; last accessed August 24, 2023. | ||||
Durtschi, C, Hillison, W and Pacini, C (2004). The effective use of Benford’s law to assist in detecting fraud in accounting data. Journal of Forensic Accounting 1524-5586/Vol. V, pp. 17-34. | ||||
Egbunike, FC and Amakor, CI (2013). Fraud & auditors analytical procedure: A test of Benford’s law. EBS Journal of Management Sciences 1(1), pp. 14-31. | ||||
Eliazar, II (2013). Benford's Law: A Poisson Perspective. Physica A 392(16) pp. 3360–3373. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2013.03.057. | ||||
Ellenberg, J and Sober, E (2011). Objective Probabilities in Number Theory. Philosophia Mathematica 19 (3), pp. 308-322. ISSN/ISBN:0031-8019. DOI:10.1093/phimat/nkr022. | ||||
Engel, HA and Leuenberger, C (2003). Benford's law for exponential random variables. Statistics & Probability Letters 63, pp. 361-365. ISSN/ISBN:0167-7152. | ||||
Erdoğan, M (2001). Muhasebe Hilelerinin Ortaya Çıkarılmasında Benford Yasası. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, Yıl:1 (3), Ankara: Ocak, pp. 1-8. TUR | ||||
Fang, X, Miller, SJ, Sun, M and Verga, A (2023). Generalized Continuous and Discrete Stick Fragmentation and Benford’s Law. Preprint arXiv:2309.00766 [math.PR]; last accessed September 12, 2023. | ||||
Fang, X, Miller, SJ, Sun, M and Verga, A (2024). Benford’s Law and Random Integer Decomposition with Congruence Stopping Condition. Preprint. | ||||
Farris, M, Luntzlara, N, Miller, SJ, Shao, L and Wang, M (2021). Recurrence Relations and Benford's Law. Statistical Methods & Applications 30, pp. 797–817. DOI:10.1007/s10260-020-00547-1. | ||||
Farris, M, Luntzlara, N, Miller, SJ, Zhao, L and Wang, M (2019). Recurrence Relations and Benford’s Law. Preprint arXiv:1911.09238 [math.PR]; last accessed December 8, 2019. | ||||
Favaretto, F (2007). Verificacao da qualidade de dados atraves da lei de Benford. Proceedings of XXVII Brazilian National Conference on Engineering, October 2007. | ||||
Formann, AK (2010). The Newcomb-Benford Law in Its Relation to Some Common Distributions. PLoS ONE 5(5): e10541. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0010541. | ||||
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Fu, Q, Fang, Z, Villas-Boas, SB and Judge, G (2014). An Investigation of the Quality of Air Data in Beijing. Unpublished manuscript. | ||||
Gadetska, S, Dubnitskiy, V, Lukin, V and Khodyrev, A (2019). Application of Benford’s law (first-digit law, anomalous numbers law) in financial audit. Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University (Knafu) Scientific Publications. DOI:10.30748/soi.2019.157.03. RUS | ||||
Galati, L (2020). Do Municipally Owned Utilities Round Earnings Before Elections? An Application of the Benford's Law. Unpublished Master's Dissertation, University of Molise. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36384.51204. | ||||
Gámez, RAM and Rivera, CEA (2009). Ley de Benford y sus aplicaciones. Undergraduate Thesis, . SPA | ||||
Gauvrit, N, Houillon, J-C and Delahaye, J-P (2017). Generalized Benford’s Law as a Lie Detector. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 13(2), pp. 121-127. DOI:10.5709/acp-0212-x. | ||||
Gava, AM and Vitiello, L (2014). Inflation, Quarterly Balance Sheets and the Possibility of Fraud: Benford's Law and the Brazilian case. Journal of Accounting, Business & Management Vol. 21 Issue 1, pp. 43-52. ISSN/ISBN:0216-423X. | ||||
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Giles, DE (2013). Exact Asymptotic Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Discrete Circular Data, With Applications. Chilean Journal of Statistics 4(1), pp.19-34. ISSN/ISBN:0718-7912. | ||||
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Golbeck, J (2015). Benford’s Law Applies to Online Social Networks. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135169. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135169. | ||||
Golbeck, J (2023). Benford’s Law applies to word frequency rank in English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. PLoS ONE 18(9), pp. e0291337. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0291337. | ||||
Gómez-Camponovo M, Moreno, J, Idrovo, ÁJ, Páez, M and Achkar, M (2016). Monitoring the Paraguayan epidemiological dengue surveillance system (2009-2011) using Benford's law. Biomédica 36, pp. 583-92. DOI:10.7705/biomedica.v36i4.2731. | ||||
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Goodman, WM (2013). Reality Checks for a Distributional Assumption: The Case of “Benford’s Law”. JSM Proceedings. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association (2013), pp. 2789-2803. (Also published on the Statistical Literacy website, at URL: . | ||||
Goodman, WM (2023). Applying and Testing Benford's Law Are Not the Same. Spanish Journal of Statistics 5(1), pp. 43-53. DOI:10.37830/SJS.2023.1.03. | ||||
Grabowski, F and Trojanowski, P (2006). Benford's law in image analysis. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Tools of Information Technology, Rzeszów, Poland, 15 September 2006, pp. 72-78. | ||||
Grendar, M, Judge, G and Schechter, L (2007). An empirical non-parametric likelihood family of data-based Benford-like distributions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 380, pp. 429-438. ISSN/ISBN:0378-4371. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2007.02.062. | ||||
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Groce, D (2005). Benford's Law. Presentation at the Lyncean Group, California, USA, 23 March. | ||||
Guha, D, Mahapatra, PK, Misra, RP and Singh, Y (2020). Exploring the Applicability of Benford’s Law in Data Quality Management. Unpublished manuscript. | ||||
Guilherme, HF, Montenegro, JM and dos Santos, J (2003). Uma aplicação da teoria das probabilidades na contabilometria: A Lei de Newcomb-Benford como uma Medida para Análise de Dados no Campo da Auditoria Contábil. Terceiro (III) Congresso da USP de Controladoria e Contabilidade. POR | ||||
Günnel, S and Tödter, K-H (2009). Does Benford's law hold in economic research and forecasting?. Empirica 36, pp. 273-292. DOI:10.1007/s10663-008-9084-1. | ||||
Hales, DN, Chakravorty, SS and Sridharan, V (2009). Testing Benford’s Law for improving supply chain decision-making: A field experiment. Int. J. Production Economics 122 (2009) pp. 606–618. | ||||
Hales, DN, Sridharan, V, Radhakrishnan, A, Chakravorty, SS and Sihad, SM (2008). Testing the accuracy of employee-reported data: An inexpensive alternative approach to traditional methods. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3), pp. 583-593. | ||||
Halperin, M and Lusk, EJ (2016). Navigating the Benford labyrinth: A big-data Analytic protocol illustrated using the Academic library Context. Knowledge Management & E-Learning 8(1), pp. 138-157. | ||||
Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2017). A robust Newcomb-Benford account screening profiler: An audit decision support system. International Journal of Financial Research 8(3), pp. 27-39. DOI:10.5430/ijfr.v8n3p27. | ||||
Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2018). Testing the Small Size Effect Bias for Benford Screening: The False Negative Signaling Error. Business Management Dynamics 8(6), pp. 23-34. | ||||
Herbst, IW, Møller, J and Svane, AM (2023). How many digits are needed?. Preprint arXiv:2307.06685 [math.PR]; last accessed July 30, 2023. | ||||
Hindls, R and Hronová, S (2015). Benford’s Law and Possibilities for Its Use in Governmental Statistics. Statistika 95( 2), pp. 54-64. | ||||
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