This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Ay, B and Efrem, N (2021). Benford’s law applied to sale prices on the Swedish housing market. Bachelor thesis, Department of Statistics Nr 2021:13, Stockholms Universitet. | ||||
Dayaratna, KD (2024). Beyond the Ballot: A Survey of Statistical Methods for Uncovering Election Anomalies. The Heritage Foundation Issue Brief No. 5362. | ||||
Jianu, Io and Jianu, Iu (2021). Reliability of Financial Information from the Perspective of Benford’s Law. Entropy 23(5), article no. 557. DOI:10.3390/e23050557. | ||||
Jošić, H and Žmuk, B (2018). The Application of Benford’s Law in psychological pricing detection. Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, No. 24, pp. 37-57. | ||||
Kuruppu, N (2019). The Application of Benford’s Law in Fraud Detection: A Systematic Methodology. International Business Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education 12(10), pp. 1-10. DOI:10.5539/ibr.v12n10p1. | ||||
Kuruppu, N (2020). Uncovering Financial Shenanigans: Benford’s Law as a Computer Assisted Analytical Procedure. International Journal of Business and Management 15(7), pp. 37-47. DOI:10.5539/ijbm.v15n7p37. | ||||
Leung, CH, Luo, YB, Lok, TC and Luo, ZC (2021). Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19 Data Quality Based on Benford's Law-- Take Data from 51 Countries and Regions as an Example. Science Innovation 9(2), pp. 53-62. DOI:10.11648/ CHI | ||||
Mills, RJ, Beaulieu, TY, Feldon, DF and Olsen, DH (2020). Implications of Prelecture Material on Cognitive Load and Instructional Effectiveness in Cross‐Disciplinary IS Education: The Nexus of Benford's Law and SQL. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 18, pp. 313-338. DOI:10.1111/dsji.12206. | ||||
Mumic, N and Filzmoser, P (2021). A multivariate test for detecting fraud based on Benford’s law, with application to music streaming data. Statistical Methods & Applications 30, 819–840. DOI:10.1007/s10260-021-00582-6. | ||||
Prasetyo, KA and Djufri_M (2020). Penggunaan Benford’s Law Untuk Menentukan Prioritas Audit Pajak Pertambahan Nilai [Using Benford's Law to Determine Value Added Tax Audit Priorities]. Scientax: Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Perpajakan Indonesia 1(2), pp. 167–183. DOI:10.52869/st.v1i2.40 . IND | ||||
Sharif, SN and Jaaman-Sharman, SH (2023). Robustness of Extended Benford’s Law Distribution and Its Properties. Proceedings of International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICMSS 2022), N. Wahi et al. (Eds.), ACSR 98, pp. 195–204. |