Skitek, M (2000). Uporaba Benfordovega zakona pri odkrivanju prevar v računovodskih izkazih [Use of Benford's law to detect fraud in the financial statements]. Auditor: Revision Review 11(9), pp. 7-24
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
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Gorenc, M (2019). Benford's Law As A Useful Tool To Determine Fraud In Financial Statements. Presentation in MakeLearn & TIIM International Conference, Slovenia, May 15-17.
Omerzu, N and Kolar, I (2019). Do the Financial Statements of Listed Companies on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Pass the Benford’s Law Test?. International Business Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education 12(1), pp. 54-64, January. DOI:10.5539/ibr.v12n1p54.