Shulzinger, E, Legchenkova, I and Bormashenko, E (2018). Co-occurrence of the Benford-like and Zipf Laws Arising from the Texts Representing Human and Artificial Languages. Preprint arXiv:1803.03667 [cs.CL]; last accessed April 6, 2019.
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
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Margellou, AG and Pomonis, PJ (2020). Benford's law, Zipf's law and the pore properties in solids. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 292, p. 109735. DOI:10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.109735.
Yan, X, Yang, S-G, Kim, BJ and Minnhagen, P (2017). Benford's Law and First Letter of Word. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 512, pp. 305-315. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2018.08.133.
Zenkov, AV (2021). Stylometry and Numerals Usage: Benford’s Law and Beyond. Stats 4(4), pp. 1051-1068. ISSN/ISBN:2571-905X. DOI:10.3390/stats4040060.