Lacasa, L (2019). Newcomb–Benford law helps customs officers to detect fraud in international trade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(1), pp. 11-13.
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Note that this list may be incomplete, and is currently being updated. Please check again at a later date.
Barabesi, L, Cerasa, A, Cerioli, A and Perrotta, D (2021). On characterizations and tests of Benford’s law. Journal of the American Statistical Association. DOI:10.1080/01621459.2021.1891927.
Barabesi, L, Cerioli, A and Di Marzio, M (2023). Statistical models and the Benford hypothesis: a unified framework. TEST. DOI:10.1007/s11749-023-00881-y.
Moreau, VH (2021). Inconsistencies in Countries COVID-19 Data Revealed by Benford’s Law’. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 16(1), pp. 73-79. DOI:10.3233/MAS-210517.
Perrotta, D, Cerasa, A, Barabesi, L and Menegatti, M (2019). Contamination And Manipulation Of Trade Data: The Two Faces Of Customs Fraud . Book of Short Papers, Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), pp. 394-397.