This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Bannier, C, Ewelt-Knauer, C, Lips, J and Winker, P (2020). Benford’s Law and Its Application to Detecting Financial Fraud and Manipulation. Ch. 18 in: Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets: Malpractice, Misconduct and Manipulation, C. Alexander and D. Cumming (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, U.K., pp. 473-504. ISSN/ISBN:978-1-119-42177-1. | ||||
Bannier, C, Ewelt-Knauer, C, Winker, P and Lips, J (2019). Benford’s law and its application to detecting financial fraud and manipulation. Chapter 5 of Econometric Modelling of Energy & Financial Markets, Doctoral Thesis of Johannes Lips, Justus-Liebig University Gießen . | ||||
Bredl, S, Storfinger, N and Menold, N (2011). A literature review of methods to detect fabricated survey data. Discussion Paper, No. 56, Justus-Liebig- Universität Gießen, Zentrum für Internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU), Giessen. Also appears in: Interviewers’ deviations in surveys. Ed. by N. Menold, P. Winker, and R. Porst. Schriften zur empir. | ||||
DeMatteis, JM, Young, LJ, Dahlhamer, J, Langley, RE, Murphy, J, Olson, K and Sharma, S (2020). Falsification in Surveys. Tech Report prepared for AAPOR Council and the Executive Committee of the American Statistical Association by the members of the Task Force on Data Falsification. | ||||
Ensminger, J and Leder-Luis, J (2022). Measuring Strategic Data Manipulation: Evidence from a World Bank Project. Preprint, submitted for publication. | ||||
Ensminger, J and Leder-Luis, J (2022). Detecting Fraud in Development Aid. Preprint. | ||||
García, PMC (2019). Aplicación de la ley de Benford en la detección de fraudes. Universidad y Sociedad 11(5), pp. 421-427. SPA | ||||
Leder-Luis, J (2020). The Economics of Fraud and Corruption. PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. | ||||
Pinilla, J, López-Valcárcel, BG, González-Martel, C and Peiro, S (2018). Pinocchio testing in the forensic analysis of waiting lists: using public waiting list data from Finland and Spain for testing Newcomb-Benford’s Law. BMJ open,8(5), pp. 1-6. ISSN/ISBN:2044-6055. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022079. | ||||
Rosmansyah, Y, Santoso, I, Hardi, AB, Putri, A and Sutikno, S (2019). Detection of Interviewer Falsification in Statistics Indonesia’s Mobile Survey. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11(3), pp. 474-484. | ||||
Schräpler, J-P (2011). Benford's Law as an Instrument for Fraud Detection in Surveys Using the Data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 231(5-6). DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2011-5-609. | ||||
Winker, P (2016). Assuring the quality of survey data: Incentives, detection and documentation of deviant behavior. Statistical Journal of the IAOS 32 (3), pp. 295–303. DOI:10.3233/SJI-161012. |