Hürlimann, W (2015). Prime powers and generalized Benford law. Pioneer Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and its Applications 12/2015; 10(1-2):51-70.
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Note that this list may be incomplete, and is currently being updated. Please check again at a later date.
Hürlimann, W (2014). A first digit theorem for powers of perfect powers. Communications in Mathematics and Applications 5(3), pp. 91-99. ISSN/ISBN:0975-8607.
Hürlimann, W (2016). First digit counting compatibility for Niven integer powers. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics 7(4). ISSN/ISBN:2395-0218.
Hürlimann, W (2016). First digit counting compatibility II: twin prime powers. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics(JPRM) 9(1), pp. 1341-1349. ISSN/ISBN:2395-0218.