Bose, I, Piramuthu, S and Shaw, MJ (2011). Quantitative methods for Detection of Financial Fraud. Decision Support Systems, 50(3), pp. 557–558.
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Pavlović, V, Knežević, G, Joksimović, M and Joksimović, D (2019). Fraud Detection in Financial Statements Applying Benford's Law with Monte Carlo Simulation. Acta oeconomica 69(2), pp.217-239. DOI:10.1556/032.2019.69.2.4.
Pinto, SO and Sobreiro, VA (2022). Literature review: Anomaly detection approaches on digital business financial systems. Digital Business 2(2), pp. 100038. ISSN/ISBN:2666-9544. DOI:10.1016/j.digbus.2022.100038.