This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Ikoba, NA, Jolayemi, ET and Sanni, OOM (2018). Nigeria’s recent population censuses: a Benford-theoretic evaluation. African Population Studies 32(1), pp. 3974-3981. DOI:10.11564/32-1-1166. | ||||
Plaček, M (2012). Benfordův zákon, fakta a mýty [Benford´s law, facts and myths]. New Trends 2012 - Proceedings of 7th international scientific conference. Private College of Economics Studies Znojmo, pp. 193-199. CZE | ||||
Plaček, M (2014). Aplikace Benfordova zákona na vládní makroekonomická data: případ obchodní bilance. Trendy ekonomiky a managementu VIII, č. 19, pp. 45-51. ISSN/ISBN:1802-8527. CZE | ||||
Plaček, M (2014). Applying Benford’s law by testing the government macroeconomics data. Acta academica karviniensia 14(3), pp. 148-160. DOI:10.25142/aak.2014.056. |