This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Aris, NA, Othman, R, Bukhori, MAM, Arif, SMM and Malek, MAA (2017). Detecting Accounting Anomalies Using Benford’s Law: Evidence from the Malaysian Public Sector. Management & Accounting Review 16(2), pp. 73-100. | ||||
Cerqueti, R, Maggi, M and Riccioni, J (2022). Statistical methods for decision support systems in finance: how Benford’s law predicts financial risk. Annals of Operations Research. DOI:10.1007/s10479-022-04742-z. | ||||
Condeço, PIH (2014). Aplicação da lei de Benford e a importância do controlo interno. Master's Thesis, Instituto politécnico de Lisboa, Instituto superior de contabilidade e administração de Lisboa. POR | ||||
Costa, JI (2012). Desenvolvimento de metodologias contabilométricas aplicadas a auditoria contábil digital: uma proposta de análise da lei de Newcomb-Benford para os Tribunais de Contas. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. POR | ||||
Costa, JI, Henriques, DBB, Melo, S and dos Santos, J (2012). Análise de métodos contabilométricos para determinação de conformidade da Lei Newcomb-Benford aplicados à auditoria contábil. [An analysis of Benford’s law conformity contabilometric methods applied to audit accounting] . Revista Gestão Pública: Práticas e Desafios, Recife, v. III, n. 6, pp. 292-314. POR | ||||
Cumbrera-Conde, I, Silva-Ramírez, E-L and Cumbrera, FL (2024). Signal processing analysis for detection of anomalies in numerical series. Expert Systems with Applications 255 Part D, pp. 124708. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124708. | ||||
Ergin, E and Erturan, IE (2020). Is Benford’s Law Effective in Fraud Detection for Expense Cycle? . Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 42(2), pp. 316–326. DOI:10.14780.muiibd.854444. | ||||
Gepp, A, Kumar, K and Bhattacharya, S (2023). Taking the hunch out of the crunch: A framework to improve variable selection in models to detect financial statement fraud. Accounting & Finance 2023, pp.1–20.. DOI:10.1111/acfi.13192 . | ||||
Golbeck, J (2015). Benford’s Law Applies to Online Social Networks. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135169. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135169. | ||||
Golbeck, J (2023). Benford’s Law applies to word frequency rank in English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. PLoS ONE 18(9), pp. e0291337. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0291337. | ||||
Grabiński, K and Paszek, Z (2013). Examining Reliability of Large Financial Datasets Using Benford's Law. Economic Themes Vol. 51 Issue 3, pp. 515-524. | ||||
Haferkorn, M (2013). Humans vs. Algorithms – Who Follows Newcomb-Benford’s Law Better with Their Order Volume?. In: Rabhi F.A., Gomber P. (eds), Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Volume 135, pp. 61-70 . ISSN/ISBN:9783642362187. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-36219-4_4. | ||||
Horton, J, Kumar, DK and Mercado, F (2023). Anticipating Corporate Misreporting: Leveraging the Slippery Slope Phenomenon and its Predictive Power. Preprint. | ||||
Horton, J, Kumar, DK and Wood, A (2020). Detecting academic fraud using Benford law: The case of Professor James Hunton. Research Policy 49(8), 104084 . DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2020.104084. | ||||
Kellerman, L (2014). Evaluating the effectiveness of Benford’s law as an investigative tool for forensic accountants. Masters thesis (Magister Commercii) in Forensic Accountancy at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. | ||||
Kuruppu, N (2019). The Application of Benford’s Law in Fraud Detection: A Systematic Methodology. International Business Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education 12(10), pp. 1-10. DOI:10.5539/ibr.v12n10p1. | ||||
Kuruppu, N (2020). Uncovering Financial Shenanigans: Benford’s Law as a Computer Assisted Analytical Procedure. International Journal of Business and Management 15(7), pp. 37-47. DOI:10.5539/ijbm.v15n7p37. | ||||
Morales, HR, Porporato, M and Epelbaum, N (2021). Benford’s law for integrity tests of high-volume databases: a case study of internal audit in a state-owned enterprise. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. DOI:10.1108/JEFAS-07-2021-0113. | ||||
Nebel, J-C and Pezzulli, S (2012). Distribution of Human Genes Observes Zipf's Law. Kingston University Research & Innovation Reports (KURIR), Vol. 8, 2012. ISSN/ISBN:1749-5652. | ||||
Novalija, S (2012). Analiza cijena lijekova primjenom Benfordovog zakona [Benford Law Analysis of Drug Prices]. 13. međunarodna znanstvena i stručna konferencija "Računovodstvo i menadžment - RIM", Svezak I – znanstveni radovi, Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska, str. pp. 34-46 [13th International Scientific and Professional Conference "Accounting and Manage. BOS | ||||
Orth, CdO, Michaelsen, AT and Lerner, AF (2020). Newcomb Benford law and accounting audit: a systematic literature review. Gestao E Desenvolvimento 17(2), pp. 111-135. DOI:10.25112/rgd.v17i2.2035. SPA | ||||
Overhoff, G (2011). The Impact and Reality of Fraud Auditing - Benford's Law: Why and How To Use It. Course for 22nd Annual ACFE Fraud Conference and Exhibition. | ||||
Pavlović, V, Knežević, G, Joksimović, M and Joksimović, D (2019). Fraud Detection in Financial Statements Applying Benford's Law with Monte Carlo Simulation. Acta oeconomica 69(2), pp.217-239. DOI:10.1556/032.2019.69.2.4. | ||||
Pinto, SO and Sobreiro, VA (2022). Literature review: Anomaly detection approaches on digital business financial systems. Digital Business 2(2), pp. 100038. ISSN/ISBN:2666-9544. DOI:10.1016/j.digbus.2022.100038. | ||||
Sushkov, VM, Leonov, PY, Nadezhina, OS and Blagova, IY (2023). Integrating Data Mining Techniques for Fraud Detection in Financial Control Processes. International Journal of Technology 14(8), pp. 1675-1684. DOI:10.14716/ijtech.v14i8.6830. | ||||
Ullman, R and Watrin, C (2017). Detecting Target-Driven Earnings Management Based on the Distribution of Digits. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 44 (1-2), pp. 63-93. DOI:10.1111/jbfa.12223. | ||||
Wiryadinata, D, Sugiharto, A and Tarno (2023). The Use of Machine Learning to Detect Financial Transaction Fraud: Multiple Benford Law Model for Auditors. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Business Intelligence 9(2), pp. 239-252. DOI:10.20473/jisebi.9.2.239-252. | ||||
Zheng, Y, Glass, R and Olinsky, A (2017). An Application of Benford's Law to Detect Data Misrepresentation in Mutual Fund Reporting. Academy of Business Research Journal 1, pp. 65-73. |