Reuters Staff (2020). Fact check: Deviation from Benford’s Law does not prove election fraud. Posted on, November 10; last accessed December 1, 2020. NOTE: Some information in this posting has been disputed. Please see for details.
This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Deckert, J, Myagkov, M and Ordeshook, PC (2011). Benford's Law and the Detection of Election Fraud. Political Analysis 19(3), pp. 245-268. DOI:10.1093/pan/mpr014.
Mebane, WR Jr (2006). Election Forensics: The Second-digit Benford’s Law Test and
Recent American Presidential Elections. Proceedings of the Election Fraud Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 29-30, 2006.
Mebane, WR Jr (2020). Inappropriate Applications of Benford’s Law Regularities to Some Data from the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States. Unpublished manuscript, posted November 9, 2020; last accessed November 9, 2020.
Roukema, BF (2009). Benford's Law Anomalies in the 2009 Iranian presidential election. preprint arXiv:0906.2789.
Saft, J (2015). Using Benford’s Law to avoid corporate chicanery: James Saft. Posted at July 8, 2015; last accessed November 17, 2020.
Sambridge, M, Tkalčić, H and Jackson, A (2010). Benford's law in the Natural Sciences. Geophysical Research Letters 37: L22301. DOI:10.1029/2010GL044830.