This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Benford, F (1938). The law of anomalous numbers. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Mar. 31, 1938), pp. 551-572. | ||||
Carrera, C (2015). Tracking exchange rate management in Latin America. Review of Financial Economics, Available online 13 March 2015 . ISSN/ISBN:1058-3300. DOI:10.1016/j.rfe.2015.02.004. | ||||
Cho, WKT and Gaines, BJ (2007). Breaking the (Benford) law: Statistical fraud detection in campaign finance. American Statistician 61(3), pp. 218-223. ISSN/ISBN:0003-1305. DOI:10.1198/000313007X223496. | ||||
De Ceuster, MJK, Dhaene, G and Schatteman, T (1998). On the hypothesis of psychological barriers in stock markets and Benford’s law. Journal of Empirical Finance 5(3), pp. 263-279. DOI:10.1016/S0927-5398(97)00024-8. | ||||
Deckert, J, Myagkov, M and Ordeshook, PC (2011). Benford's Law and the Detection of Election Fraud. Political Analysis 19(3), pp. 245-268. DOI:10.1093/pan/mpr014. | ||||
Diekmann, A (2007). Not the First Digit! Using Benford's Law to Detect Fraudulent Scientific Data. Journal of Applied Statistics 34(3), pp. 321-329. ISSN/ISBN:0266-4763. DOI:10.1080/02664760601004940. | ||||
Durtschi, C, Hillison, W and Pacini, C (2004). The effective use of Benford’s law to assist in detecting fraud in accounting data. Journal of Forensic Accounting 1524-5586/Vol. V, pp. 17-34. | ||||
El Sehity, T, Hoelzl, E and Kirchler, E (2005). Price developments after a nominal shock: Benford's Law and psychological pricing after the euro introduction. International Journal of Research in Marketing 22(4), pp. 471-480. ISSN/ISBN:0167-8116. DOI:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2005.09.002. | ||||
Giles, DE (2007). Benford's law and naturally occurring prices in certain eBay auctions. Applied Economics Letters 14(3), pp. 157-161. ISSN/ISBN:1350-4851. DOI:10.1080/13504850500425667. | ||||
Golbeck, J (2015). Benford’s Law Applies to Online Social Networks. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135169. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135169. | ||||
Gonzalez-Garcia, J and Pastor, G (2009). Benford’s Law and Macroeconomic Data Quality. International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/09/10, Statistics Department, January 2009. | ||||
Goodman, WM (2016). The promises and pitfalls of Benford's law. Significance 13(3) pp. 38-41. DOI:10.1111/j.1740-9713.2016.00919.x. | ||||
Günnel, S and Tödter, K-H (2009). Does Benford's law hold in economic research and forecasting?. Empirica 36, pp. 273-292. DOI:10.1007/s10663-008-9084-1. | ||||
Hindls, R and Hronová, S (2015). Benford’s Law and Possibilities for Its Use in Governmental Statistics. Statistika 95( 2), pp. 54-64. | ||||
Krakar, Z and Žgela, M (2009). Evaluation of Benford's Low Application in Stock Prices and Stock Turnover. Informatologia 42(3), pp. 158-165. | ||||
Krakar, Z and Žgela, M (2009). Application of Benford's Law in information systems auditing. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 33(1), pp. 39-51. | ||||
Michalski, T and Stoltz, G (2013). Do Countries Falsify Economic Data Strategically? Some Evidence That They Might. The Review of Economics and Statistics 95(2), pp. 591-616. DOI:10.1162/REST_a_00274. | ||||
Newcomb, S (1881). Note on the frequency of use of the different digits in natural numbers. American Journal of Mathematics 4(1), pp. 39-40. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9327. DOI:10.2307/2369148. | ||||
Nigrini, MJ (1996). A taxpayer compliance application of Benford’s law. Journal of the American Taxation Association 18(1), pp. 72-91. | ||||
Nigrini, MJ (2012). Benford's Law: Applications for Forensic Accounting, Auditing, and Fraud Detection . John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, New Jersey. ISSN/ISBN:978-1-118-15285-0. DOI:10.1002/9781119203094. | ||||
Nigrini, MJ and Mittermaier, LJ (1997). The use of Benford's Law as an aid in analytical procedures. Auditing - A Journal of Practice & Theory 16(2), 52-67. ISSN/ISBN:0278-0380. | ||||
Novalija, S (2012). Analiza cijena lijekova primjenom Benfordovog zakona [Benford Law Analysis of Drug Prices]. 13. međunarodna znanstvena i stručna konferencija "Računovodstvo i menadžment - RIM", Svezak I – znanstveni radovi, Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska, str. pp. 34-46 [13th International Scientific and Professional Conference "Accounting and Manage. BOS | ||||
Nye, J and Moul, C (2007). The Political Economy of Numbers: On the Application of Benford's Law to International Macroeconomic Statistics. The BE Journal of Macroeconomics 7(1), pp. 1-14. DOI:10.2202/1935-1690.1449. | ||||
Papić, M, Vudrić, N and Jerin, K (2017). Benfordov zakon i njegova primjena u forenzičkom računovodstvu [Benford's Law and Its Application in Forensic Accounting]. Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas, Vol. 1-2 No. 1-2, pp. 153-172. BOS | ||||
Pomykacz, M, Olmsted, C and Tantinan, K (2017). Benford’s Law in Appraisal. The Appraisal Journal, Fall, pp. 274-284. | ||||
Slijepčević, S and Blašković, B (2014). Statistical detection of fraud in the reporting of Croatian public companies. Financial Theory and Practice, 38(1), pp. 81-96. DOI:10.3326/fintp.38.1.4. | ||||
Tota, I, Aliaj, A and Lamçja, J (2016). The use of Benford’s law as a tool for detecting fraud in accounting data. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development 3(1), pp. 73-77. |