Mohammadi, H and Lotfi, L (2019). Detecting Cosmetic Earnings Management Using Benford’s Law: Evidence From Iran. Available at SSRN:; last accessed June 6, 2019.
This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Carslaw, CAPN (1988). Anomalies in Income Numbers: Evidence of Goal Oriented Behavior. The Accounting Review 63(2), pp. 321-327.
Jordan, CE and Clark, SJ (2011). Detecting Cosmetic Earnings Management Using Benford’s Law. The CPA Journal 81 (2), pp. 32–37.
Kinnunen, J and Koskela, M (2003). Who Is Miss World in Cosmetic Earnings Management? A Cross-National Comparison of Small Upward Rounding of Net Income Numbers among Eighteen Countries. Journal of International Accounting Research 2, pp. 39-68. DOI:10.2308/jiar.2003.2.1.39.
Thomas, JK (1989). Unusual Patterns in Reported Earnings. Accounting Review 64(4), 773-787. ISSN/ISBN:0001-4826.
Tödter, K-H (2009). Benford's Law as an Indicator of Fraud in Economics. German Economic Review 10(3), 339-351. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-0475.2009.00475.x.