This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Benford, F (1938). The law of anomalous numbers. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Mar. 31, 1938), pp. 551-572. | ||||
Carslaw, CAPN (1988). Anomalies in Income Numbers: Evidence of Goal Oriented Behavior. The Accounting Review 63(2), pp. 321-327. | ||||
Costa, JI (2012). Desenvolvimento de metodologias contabilométricas aplicadas a auditoria contábil digital: uma proposta de análise da lei de Newcomb-Benford para os Tribunais de Contas. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. POR | ||||
Costa, JI, dos Santos, J and Travassos, S (2012). An Analysis of Federal Entities’ Compliance with Public Spending: Applying the Newcomb-Benford Law to the 1st and 2nd Digits of Spending in Two Brazilian States*. R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 23, n. 60, pp. 187-198. | ||||
Hill, TP (1995). A Statistical Derivation of the Significant-Digit Law. Statistical Science 10(4), pp. 354-363. ISSN/ISBN:0883-4237. | ||||
Krakar, Z and Žgela, M (2009). Application of Benford's Law in information systems auditing. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 33(1), pp. 39-51. | ||||
Newcomb, S (1881). Note on the frequency of use of the different digits in natural numbers. American Journal of Mathematics 4(1), pp. 39-40. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9327. DOI:10.2307/2369148. | ||||
Nigrini, MJ and Mittermaier, LJ (1997). The use of Benford's Law as an aid in analytical procedures. Auditing - A Journal of Practice & Theory 16(2), 52-67. ISSN/ISBN:0278-0380. | ||||
Ribeiro, JC, Monteiro, GB, dos Santos, J and Galvao, KdS (2005). Aplicação da Lei de Newcomb-Benford na Auditoria. Caso notas de empenho dos Municípios do Estado da Paraíba. 2o Congresso USP Iniciação cientifica em contabilidade. POR |