Dahlstrom, KL and Clegg, CP (2015). The DNA of Scripture. Westbow Press: Bloomington, IN.
This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Burke, J and Kincanon, E (1991). Benford's Law and Physical Constants - The Distribution of Initial Digits. American Journal of Physics 59 (10), p. 952. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9505. DOI:10.1119/1.16838.
Giggacher, J (2011). Rule of One. Science Alert website; last accessed July 19, 2018.
Nigrini, MJ (2000). Digital Analysis Using Benford's Law: Tests and Statistics for Auditors. Global Audit Publications: Vancouver, Canada. DOI:10.1201/1079/43266.28.9.20010301/30389.4.
Nigrini, MJ (2002). Using Microsoft Access for Data Analysis and Interrogation: The Use of Benford's Law, Number Patterns, Ratios, and Duplications to Detect Errors, Biases, Fraud, Irregularities, and Inefficiencies in Corporate Data. Mark J. Nigrini. ISSN/ISBN:0966250907.
Nigrini, MJ (2012). Benford's Law: Applications for Forensic Accounting, Auditing, and Fraud Detection . John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, New Jersey. ISSN/ISBN:978-1-118-15285-0. DOI:10.1002/9781119203094.
Rosetti, CJ (2003). SAS99: Detecting Fraud Using Benford's Law. Presentation at FAE/NYSSCPA Technology Assurance Committee March 13, 2003.
Sambridge, M, Tkalčić, H and Jackson, A (2010). Benford's law in the Natural Sciences. Geophysical Research Letters 37: L22301. DOI:10.1029/2010GL044830.
Torres, J, Fernandez, S, Gamero, A and Sola, A (2007). How do numbers begin? (The first digit law). European Journal of Physics 28(3), L17-L25. ISSN/ISBN:0143-0807. DOI:10.1088/0143-0807/28/3/N04.