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This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Davis, BS and Davis, TA (1989). Fibonacci numbers and the golden mean in nature. The Mathematical Scientist 14(2), pp. 89-100.
Hill, TP (1995). The Significant-Digit Phenomenon. American Mathematical Monthly 102(4), pp. 322-327. DOI:10.2307/2974952.
Hill, TP (1998). The First-Digit Phenomenon. American Scientist 86 (4), pp. 358-363. ISSN/ISBN:0003-0996. DOI:10.1511/1998.4.358.
Ley, E (1996). On the Peculiar Distribution of the US Stock Indexes' Digits. American Statistician 50(4), pp. 311-313. ISSN/ISBN:0003-1305. DOI:10.1080/00031305.1996.10473558.
Nigrini, MJ and Mittermaier, LJ (1997). The use of Benford's Law as an aid in analytical procedures. Auditing - A Journal of Practice & Theory 16(2), 52-67. ISSN/ISBN:0278-0380.