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Nelson, LS (1984)

Display Tables and Significant Digits

Journal of Quality Technology 16(3), pp. 175-176.

ISSN/ISBN: 0022-4065 DOI: Not available at this time.

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In an effort to give readers a rest between discussions of tests and critical values, I would like to review the generally sad state of tabular data. Further I would like to make some recommendations that can ameliorate the situation.

@article{, title={Display Tables and Significant Digits}, author={Nelson, LS}, journal={Journal of Quality Technology}, volume={16}, number={3}, pages={175--176}, year={1984}, publisher={AMER SOC QUALITY CONTROL-ASQC ASQC MEMBERSHIP MANAGER 611 E. WISCONSIN AVENUE, MILWAUKEE, WI 53202}, ISSN={0022-4065}, }

Reference Type: Journal Article

Subject Area(s): Statistics