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Kuipers, L and Niederreiter, H (1974)

Uniform Distribution of Sequences

J. Wiley; newer edition - 2006 from Dover.

ISSN/ISBN: 0486450198 DOI: Not available at this time.

Abstract: Not available at this time.

@book {MR0419394, AUTHOR = {Kuipers, L. and Niederreiter, H.}, TITLE = {Uniform distribution of sequences}, NOTE = {Pure and Applied Mathematics}, PUBLISHER = {Wiley-Interscience [John Wiley \& Sons]}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1974}, PAGES = {xiv+390}, MRCLASS = {10K05 (22D99)}, MRNUMBER = {0419394 (54 \#7415)}, MRREVIEWER = {P. Gerl}, }

Reference Type: Book

Subject Area(s): Analysis, Number Theory