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Dayaratna, KD (2024)

Beyond the Ballot: A Survey of Statistical Methods for Uncovering Election Anomalies

The Heritage Foundation Issue Brief No. 5362.

ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: Not available at this time.

Abstract: Free and fair elections are the foundation of a self-governing republic. Malfeasance is always a possibility, and proper security measures are of paramount importance.1 A number of statisti- cal tools developed in a growing sub eld of political science—known as election forensics—can be used to detect potential anomalies in election data. This Issue Brief provides a survey of some such tools as well as policy recommendations to help to enable the public to better leverage these and other tools.

@techReport{, AUTHOR = {Kevin D. Dayaratna}, TITLE = {Beyond the Ballot: A Survey of Statistical Methods for Uncovering Election Anomalies}, INSTITUTION = {The Heritage Foundation}, YEAR = {2024}, NUMBER = {5362}, URL = {}, }

Reference Type: Technical Report

Subject Area(s): Voting Fraud