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Dutta-Powell, R (2024)

The perils of premature evaluation: reassessing the application of Benford’s Law to the USA’s COVID-19 data

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ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: 10.21203/

Abstract: This paper reviews earlier applications that claimed non-conformity of COVID-19 in the United States with Benford's Law, and uses later and more granular data to demonstrate that this was likely due to the data being unsuitable for applications of Benford’s Law. It also demonstrates that the same dataset, analysed in different ways, can show vastly different levels of conformity with Benford’s Law. Specifically, most US states show high degrees of conformity for COVID-19 cases and cumulative deaths when the Robust Order of Magnitude (ROM) is over three and data at the county level is used to analyse state outcomes. Conversely, when county data is aggregated to the state level and analysed (i.e., case totals for all counties are summed to create a single state figure for each day of the pandemic), every state shows nonconformity. Only new deaths showed the reverse pattern - this is likely because new deaths at the county level do not span sufficient orders of magnitude, and aggregation to the state level overcomes this. This suggests that some instances of non-conformity with Benford’s Law in the literature may be driven by applications to inappropriate datasets or methodological issues.

@misc{, author = {Ravi Dutta-Powell}, year = {2024}, title = { The perils of premature evaluation: reassessing the application of Benford’s Law to the USA’s COVID-19 data}, url = {}, doi = {10.21203/}, }

Reference Type: Preprint

Subject Area(s): Medical Sciences