In Proceedings of the International Online Conference on Corporate Governance: An Interdisciplinary Outlook, E. Karger & A. Kostyuk (Eds.), pp. 108–114.
ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: 10.22495/cgaiop21
Abstract: In an exponentially evolving world that is increasingly relying on enormous amounts of data flowing into every area of the economy, having a tool that can spot fraudulent financial numbers on divided subsets of these ̳big data‘, becomes an efficiency priority. Since those wrong numbers are frequently thought to be ̳round numbers‘ (Nigrini, 2018), what would be certainly useful is a structured way of looking at irregularities in numerals‘ occurrence, without trying to bet. Benford‘s (1938) law is a mathematical phenomenon that helps in detecting white- collar crimes, when it comes to manipulated financial statements, through an analytical procedure that uncovers anomalies in certain digit patterns. Forensic accountants, auditors, or even judicial bodies that aim to protect public finance balances, can adopt Benford‘s law as an analytical instrument to discover processing inefficiencies, frauds, or manipulative biases.
author = {Luca Galati},
title = {The political role of
local government corporate ownership:
An interdisciplinary outlook based on Benford’s law},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Online Conference on Corporate Governance: An Interdisciplinary Outlook},
editor = {E. Karger and A. Kostyuk},
publisher = {Virtus Interpress},
pages = {108-–114},
doi = {10.22495/cgaiop21},
Reference Type: Conference Paper
Subject Area(s): Accounting