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Bhosale, S and Di Troia, F (2022). Twitter Bots’ Detection with Benford’s Law and Machine Learning. In Proceedings of Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference. SVCC 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1683, Bathen, L., Saldamli, G., Sun, X., Austin, T.H., Nelson, A.J. (eds). Springer, Cham.

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Sushkov, VM, Leonov, PY, Nadezhina, OS and Blagova, IY (2023). Integrating Data Mining Techniques for Fraud Detection in Financial Control Processes. International Journal of Technology 14(8), pp. 1675-1684. DOI:10.14716/ijtech.v14i8.6830. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work