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Kilani, A and Georgiou, GP (2020)

The Full Database of Countries with Potential COVID-19 Data Misreport based on Benford’s Law

Harvard Dataverse, V3.

ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: Kilani, Ahmad; Georgios, Georgiou P, 2020, "The Full Database of Countries with Potential COVID-19 Data Misreport based on 10.7910/DVN/8QLLXO

Abstract: The aim of this database is to provide researchers and scholars a unified database for potential data misreport by 171 countries regarding their Covid-19 daily reported cases. The database show three different tests that are used to determine if the data given by each country in the world fit Benford’s Law.

@misc{, author = {Kilani, Ahmad and Georgios, Georgiou P.}, year = {2020}, title = {The Full Database of Countries with Potential COVID-19 Data Misreport based on Benford’s Law}, doi = {10.7910/DVN/8QLLXO}, url = {}, }

Reference Type: Software

Subject Area(s): Medical Sciences