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Radman, B (2005)

Benfordov zakon (Benford's Law)

Hrvatski matematički elektronički časopis 5 (Electronic Croatian Mathematics Magazine).

ISSN/ISBN: 1334-6083 DOI: Not available at this time.

Note - this is a foreign language paper: HRV

Abstract: Jeste li znali da Fibonaccijevi brojevi najčešće započinju sa znamenkom 1? Ne samo to, već i brojevi u telefonskom imeniku i u športskim statistikama, brojevi stanovnika u naseljima, duljine rijeka, te mnogi drugi podatci, također najčešće započinju sa znamenkom 1. Benfordov zakon daje objašnjenje ovog zanimljivog fenomena. (Did you know that the Fibonacci numbers usually begin with the digit 1? Not only that, but the numbers in the phone book and sports statistics, populations of settlements, lengths of rivers, and many other data, very often start with a digit 1. Benford's Law gives an explanation of this interesting phenomenon.)

@article{, title={Benfordov zakon}, author={Radman, Bojan}, journal={Math. e}, volume={5}, year={2005}, publisher={Hrvatsko matemati{\v{c}}ko dru{\v{s}}tvo} ISSN={1334-6083}, }

Reference Type: E-Print

Subject Area(s): General Interest